Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Designing our own busses

Our children have really enjoyed reading the book called 'The fun bus'. On Thursday, we normally act out our big book story, and they just loved being in the characters of the book.
On Friday, we talked about designing our own bus. We talked about different types of busses, and how we can make very unique busses.

I love how each bus is so unique and special to each child. What an awesome job everyone did! Tino pai! 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

We went to see ducklings!

Today, we went to see some ducklings in Room 11 and 12. These ducklings were hatched last week and the children were so excited to see them. We also got to hold them.

The ducklings were very soft and fluffy. We used gentle hands to hold them.

Welcome back to school! Term 3 has started!

 Welcome back to Term 3. We have had a fantastic week, settling back to our class routines, enjoying each other’s company and our children h...