Friday, April 20, 2018

Learning about bees

In Week 9, we started exploring our knowledge about bees. Children shared what they knew about bees.
 Then, we started looking at how a queen bee lays an egg and how a pupa grows into an adult bee.

Children had a go at putting the images of stages of the bee's life cycle. There was quite a discussion about what comes before and after each image. If some children did not agree with someone's idea, they would share their reasons why until it makes sense to them.

As I have beehives at home, I brought some frames from the beehives, a smoker, and a bee suit to explore with the children. Prior to this, we discussed a lot about how bees make honey and children learnt this through dramatic play pretending being working bees, collecting nectar from flowers and storing it into the honey comb which was our cabinets.

 We even tasted honey off the frame! The first thing that children said after tasting was "Yummy!" When I asked how it tastes, some of them said "Sweet!"

I asked what we could make with the honey from the beehive, they gave me some ideas including honey cake, honey ice cream, and honey sandwiches!
We decided to make some honey ice cream!

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