We tried the water, oil and food clour experiment this week. Actually, to get to this video, there were many trials and errors as the experiment did not work in the beginning. The children collected their own data and shared their ideas with each other to find out why it didn't work. We also watched the video of how to do it to see what could have gone wrong. One of the children thought it was the size of the glass container. Originally, we used a tall sized glass, but we were able to find a large glass vase. This was a great find as becuase of this sized vase, we were able to achieve the experiment. We all enjoyed watching the food colours going down the water. There were many different descriptions of what the children saw. You can hear one of the girls saying that it looked like fire works! Science experiments allows us to use language and share our ideas with each other.
We are sharing Room 2 classroom journey. Our new entrant classroom uses play-base philosophy and supports children's passions in play!
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Thursday, October 22, 2020
We made our own tee-shirts.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Shake Out Day!
Today, 15th of October is Shake Out Day! It is a national day for earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi. Room 2 registered for this Shake Out Day, and we talked about what it meant and what we would do at 9:30.
We talked about what an earthquake was and I talked about my experiences of earthquakes. Growing up in Japan, I have experienced earthquakes many times.
We talked about what we do to protect ourselves from earthquakes. We learnt to do Drop, Cover and Hold. We also watched a song called Turtle Safe, simply when an earthquake occurs, we become like a turtle. Drop on the floor and cover our heads and necks with our hands. If we can go under the tables, we can hold the legs of the table.
Here is a video of us doing the earthquake drill.
Welcome back to school! Term 3 has started!
Welcome back to Term 3. We have had a fantastic week, settling back to our class routines, enjoying each other’s company and our children h...

As children have returned to school, there seems to be a big interest around dinosaurs, so this week we have been exploring what dinosaurs a...
This week, we have been learning about whānau (family). Who is in our family? What makes our family happy or sad? What does it mean to love?...